2025 Spring IRA

Deadline: March 3rd, 2025 02:00 PM EST

Account required to apply. Click "Apply Now" to register/login.


Innovative Research Awards

Preliminary data can be crucial to the success of a research proposal. The center will provide “seed money” for projects intended to support future grant applications. All cancer research center full faculty are eligible to apply. Awards will be made on a competitive basis. The requested amount is usually much higher than available funds, constraining the size of the awards we can make (up to $30,000). Higher level grants will be considered but you should contact Dr. Fleming prior to submission. Requests for sustained support of full-time research assistants or post-docs will not be successful. Funds will not be provided for major equipment or faculty summer salaries, travel, or graduate student salaries. (Graduate student/postdoctoral travel to meetings and graduate student summer stipends can be funded via other award categories.) All applications will require a progress report to become eligible for future awards.

Requests will be evaluated based on 1) Cancer relevance 2) Potential for future national funding (such as NIH, NSF or DOD), and 3) preference will be given to programs not currently enjoying extramural funding. The cancer relevance of the proposed research will be a high criterion of evaluation. The biannual application deadlines are October 1 and March 1.  ALL DUE TIMES ARE EST, please adjust for CST!!

If there are questions, please contact the Johnson Cancer Research Center. Please do not submit a truncated proposal from another funding source. Complete and submit the application electronically using an official K-State email ONLY. 

Document requirements: 12 pt ariel font, 1 inch margins. Applications that do not meet requirements or provide the necessary documentation will be administratively triaged.

SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION - Before you start you should have all the following to complete the application.  You need to complete the submission because it cannot be saved. Please use OFFICIAL K-STATE emails! You will need the following:

o A. All document requirements should be in 12 pt ariel font, 1 inch margins. Applications that do not meet requirements will not be reviewed.   (3)

o B. A three page document that contains your project description 

o C. 5 page NIH style biosketch , including the PI's and Co PI's . Each biosketch should include cancer relevant experience and why this project is relevant to the JCRC's mission in the personal statement.   

o D. Suggestions for  5 external reviewers (off KSU campus)  who can review this application and don't have a conflict of interest with your program (no co-authorships, share grant applicants or significant professional collaborations within the last 5 years.

o E. Positive outcomes from previous Johnson Cancer Research Center funding. i.e. peer reviewed publications, grants funded, etc   (10)

o F. Detailed budget and budget justification for supplies and services. Salaries are generally not allowed and meeting travel is covered by other awards. If you include these, please provide sufficient justification.  (11)

o G. Cancer Relevance of this Project in 100 words or less  (12)

o H. Lay language summary of work in 100 words. (6th to 8th grade level) of the work you propose in 100 words or less.  (7)

o I. Cancer relevant experience and why this project is relevant to the JCRC mission in the personal statement of the biosketch   (5)

o J. Matching funds, if any  (16)

oK. Please do not submit a truncated proposal from another funding source. If there are questions about the application process, contact the Johnson Cancer Research Center.  (4)

o L. Complete and submit the application electronically.  (15)

o M. Publications from the last 3 years which acknowledge funding from the Johnson Cancer Research Center  (17)