The Johnson Cancer Research Center helps train the next generation of researchers through competitive award programs. All graduate student applications must be sponsored by JCRC faculty members. The center will fund summer stipends for graduate students studying under the direction of JCRC faculty members. These competitive awards are provided to the faculty mentors, not the students, and the application must be submitted by the faculty member.
These competitive awards support travel to professional meetings or workshops by undergraduate, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows JCRC member labs or JCRC faculty members.
Linders Family Cancer Research Expansion Award While start-up funds may provide junior investigators support for personnel and the establishment of the main project of the laboratory, limited funds are available for cancer research supplies. The Cancer Research Expansion Award provides associate JCRC members only with up to $20,000 to expand their cancer research project. This award is aimed at increasing the number of active cancer projects at K-State and the likelihood of finding a cure for cancer. We expect to give 1-2 awards per year. If the project has progressed but not resulted in a cancer-related publication or grant application, a second-year award may be possible. Funds may not pay for personnel, major equipment or travel.
New technology and the acquisition of necessary equipment can be crucial to modern research, yet funds for this purpose are often lacking. The center will fund equipment purchases for equipment and service cores that serve K-State and JCRC faculty members. Our intent is to help fund high-impact equipment that can be used by large numbers of JCRC faculty. This mechanism is only available to recognized core facilities at K-State and not open to individual labs even with the understanding that equipment will be shared.
Johnson Cancer Research Center — Travel Award Application. These competitive awards support travel to professional meetings or workshops by undergraduate, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows JCRC member labs or JCRC faculty members.
Innovative Research Awards ALL DUE TIMES ARE EST, please adjust for CST!! The center will provide “seed money” for projects intended to support future grant applications. All cancer research center full faculty are eligible to apply. Awards will be made on a competitive basis. The requested amount is usually much higher than available funds, constraining the size of the awards we can make (up to $30,000). Higher level grants will be considered but you should contact Dr. Fleming prior to submission. Requests for sustained support of full-time research assistants or post-docs will not be successful. Funds will not be provided for major equipment or faculty summer salaries, travel, or graduate student salaries. (Graduate student/postdoctoral travel to meetings and graduate student summer stipends can be funded via other award categories.) All applications will require a progress report to become eligible for future awards.
This Innovative Research Award supports research on rhabdomyosarcoma, an aggressive and highly malignant form of cancer that develops from skeletal muscle cells that have failed to fully differentiate. It occurs mostly in children under age 18. The application process and guidelines will be the same as with the general IRA (see above) except that the applicant must document how the project specifically targets rhabdomyosarcoma or other related sarcomas. Funding will be up to $25,000. This award is funded through the generosity of Sarah Young, whose son Alex Tung died of rhabdomyosarcoma when he was 31 years old.